
Friday, August 2, 2013

Download Rkill To Be On The Safe Side

By Lela Perkins

When a computer is not running as it should these days it is usually because of malware or a virus. Of course, this can all be fixed, but in order to do so you must run the proper cleaning software. Sometimes however that software is blocked by the virus or malware and you will have to download RKill in order to get to the cleaning process in the first place.

People do have to remember however that the software does not delete any of the processes or anything for that matter. All it does is disable or stop the process. So you will have to go back and manually delete the process yourself. Even so, it is a good thing to have in your arsenal when going up against some powerful malware.

RKill beats them at their own game. It will halt the process that is causing the issue so that the cleaning software can do its job. Sadly many people re not aware of how all of this works because they are not the ones fixing their systems when they slow down of have a problem related to malware. They need to be informed about how the process gets stopped so the application can work.

They also need to be informed that the RKill application does not delete the problem file or process, it only disables it so that whatever software you are going to use to take care of the problem can function properly. After running such software you will have to go back and make absolutely sure that the problem software is gone.

This is a very valuable tool to have in your toolbox. Especially if you are a novice user or you have not had the opportunity to work with too many problem systems. Every tech or individual who is good at working with computers will have folder with a selection of protection software because they never know what they will face.

There are places and websites that offer the application. But even if they do, people still need to be informed. They can check forums and other such message boards to see what else they can use for cleaning their systems or if they are a user of the application they should post messages about it and let people know what it does and how useful it is.

When someone gets scared that the virus is going to delete precious software or they follow the directions of the virus, they could really be in trouble. It is very common for virus to give a person fake error messages to get them to do things they shouldn't do. When they press OK on such fake error messages they could end up deleting things or giving someone else permission to enter their network.

Today however more and more people do know what to do in order to stay safe and keep their computer clean. When they learn about why they should download RKill they quickly did it to their collection of software and will use it on a regular basis. That is a good thing too because the more it is used, the better people will be able to clean their systems.

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