
Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Processes Involved In Domain Name Registration

By Maryanne Goff

Domain name registration is a practice that is slowly being embraced by a number of members. This is especially those members who are in large groups and wish to carry out some activities in common. The process is usually done by different levels of authority depending on the nature of operations the group intends to participate in.

When heading to the registration bodies, the members must have all the necessary documents before being handed a certificate of recognition. The constitution of a given body is usually considered as being among the most important of documents. This one normally is the one that outlines the rules governing every single operation of that particular group. Every single member is required to go through this document and understand all that is contained there.

It is in this document that the duties of various people especially the officials are outlined. This is because what they do is usually very important and any mistake in their duties may lead to collapsing of the group. In such organizations, some members are likely to default in their agreement. Fines have been put in place for such people. The amounts paid as fine are also listed in this document to avoid controversy when applied.

If the group that wishes to have itself identified requires funding from any bodies, they must have a draft of a budget. The budget must clearly indicate what kind of activities the group will be indulging in and for what reason. The amounts accorded to each activity must also be clearly shown. This however is subject to amendments by the authorities registering the group.

A list of all the members must also be availed. The list must contain all their names alongside their identification numbers, contacts and signatures. This is to confirm, that the members of that group have agreed to all that the group is taking part in and are ready to participate. No amendments should be available in these forms. Copies of the identification documents of the members may at times be needed.

When the members sit down and decide on getting their name identified by other corporate bodies through registration, minutes must be taken in that meeting. These are the ones that thee body responsible refers to before proceeding to anything else. Every member also must sign against their names to show that they all were there and that they agreed to what is contained in those minutes. All the activities they hope to do may also be highlighted in summary in the meeting records by the secretary.

Once the personnel have gone through the documents and found them to be authentic, they proceed to finalize with that particular group. The registration amount is then paid to the people responsible and the document to act as evidence of recognition of that particular domain name given. In most cases, it is a certificate.

Domain name registration is a procedure that has to be followed to the latter. The bodies involved in this activity also are a good number. They benefit so much from it by generating good amounts of income.

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