
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Pros And Cons Of A Shared Website Hosting

By Amanda Baird

When one server that is connected to the cyberspace, which is shared by many sites, this kind of service is called shared website hosting. Every consumer will be given their own partition in the server, which in many cases has hundreds or thousand of consumers. All of them must operate using the same operating system or software, use the same bandwidth, and share same disc room.

If you need to have your own website quickly and that looks professional without needing a lot of space and memory, then this is an excellent option. The main reason many people avail of this service is because it is more affordable than other kinds. There are many competitions to provide this kind of service to consumers, which is why they are sold cheaply.

You may even have a space of up to forty gigabytes. It has an all inclusive price tag so you will not need to worry about the upkeep and setup. Another advantage is the convenience of this kind of service. A highly skilled and professional expert manages the shared web host and provides you convenience.

This will allow you to concentrate on your site and your businesses while he take cares of the matters concerning the system. If you avail of their services, your site would be able to go live within 24 hours since they can instantly set it up. This is also to navigate, which is why you do not need to be a technical person to set up your site.

Most of them have a one click install for tools or use a management tool. This can help you structure your space, which makes it easy to build the site and manage email accounts. This makes customization easy when it is managed by the webmaster with the control panel tools.

They can assist you in posting your pictures and many other images and, other than that, you could even check your statistics. Other than the cost, most consumers will consider the space the company can provide and its bandwidth that will be essential in running the business as efficiently as possible. However, as many benefits as it has, there also disadvantages of this kind of hosting.

It has some issues on stability especially with the number of consumers where it becomes difficult to keep up the bandwidth equal among the users. The performance of one can have an effect on the performance of other websites. For instance, if one of them has a lot of traffic going on, then it might slow down the performance of your site instead.

You also do not have permission to install programs since it is maintained by another individual or company. They may not allow you to download or run any program that you would like to put up. If you really like to install a specific program, there are many servers out there that you can choose from. This type of hosting may not be applicable to those who will need a large space and a lot of bandwidth like Ecommerce.

Although it has its share of pros and cons, signing up for one will depend on the requirements of your business. This is ideal for moderately sized to smaller business and for those who has little background in managing websites. If shared website hosting meets all your needs, then this choice will be good.

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