
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Things To Look For In Buying A Business PC

By Daniel Kennedy

It seems that you are in the market right now for a computer, now that you have started your own business. In starting your own business you have thought of the advantages of being organized and automating standard tasks, and so you are looking for a decent business PC. However, prior to purchasing one, it may be a good idea to read this first.

It may be advisable for you to prepare a small checklist to assist you in your search. Quite a few or rather, quite a number would scoff at this idea and saying it is too simple and primitive. However, your goal is to have no room for error, and a checklist will ensure that you have all bases covered.

To start off your list, figure out what you will be doing on a regular day to day basis. Determine if you will be doing purely communications and clerical work, business calculations and such or even photo editing and video work. Once you are able to do this, you will get a general idea of how much power you need in your computer and how much you will need to spend.

If you find out that you may need to do a little bit of everything as mentioned above, then you will most likely be well off with a mid ranged price and model. Price ranges for this kind of model will usually be in the price area of 500 dollars or more. A minimum spec of around 8 to 16 gb of RAM and at least a hard drive space of 500gb is to be expected. It should more or less have an i5 processor also.

If data entry and simple clerical functions is all that you will really need the computer for however, then all you will need is a simple entry level computer. These are competitively priced at around three hundred dollars only, as there is massive competition between manufacturers for these types of machines.

Buy a computer from a brand that is reputable and proven in the market place. Get from a manufacturer whose units are ones that can last for three years or more so you do not need to upgrade frequently. Also buy one from a manufacturer that has proven customer service guarantees and excellent after sales servicing.

On top of all of this, you should never play games on a business computer should you get one. It is better to get a totally different unit for playing games if you plan on playing games on it also. This is because games have default settings and configurations that may affect the proper functioning of the unit.

In sum this article has covered some important information before you go out and buy your first or next business computer. There are other factors to consider which you should also research on, but suffice it to say the ones in this article are good basic information that you need to know.

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